



3.20.2025 Democrats are Terrorists and Pedophiles

Inciting violence is not protected speech… Democrats want to burn the country down and rule over the ashes – just like they did to Minneapolis.


3.7.2025 Yellowhammer News Ignores the Dark Horse!…

👀 The Auburn Senate seat is mine for the taking!




2.27.2025 Alabama Senators and FISA…

As Governor of Alabama, I would seek Sheriffs to arrest creepy government perverts who spy on Alabama citizens – and I would transform Alabama into a Liberty state. I would defend Alabama citizens from Federal overreach! I would set cyber traps to track, trace, and expose the government perverts.




2.10.2025 Alabama Deep State DMV Hell…

As Governor of Alabama I would wreck the DMV… and piss on the ashes… Then hire Russian prostitutes to piss on the ashes…




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2.3.2025 Alabama 4th Grade Math Scores…

This ^ is exactly my point… In Alabama the politicians don’t understand mathematics. In science, we call this “cherry picking“, where you look through a large dataset to find the one piece of data (4th grade) that supports your bias and ONLY publish that; rather than looking at the overall pattern. This actually gets you fired in science… If I was governor, my single goal would be to fix education by working with statisticians to truly understand the real patterns in the data – find out whats going wrong – and fix it. We are governed by complete morons…


1.25.2025 – Snakes and Turtles…

Voting against brother Pete is the last straw. Of these, Mitch is the worst and could easily be upgraded for a second libertarian Paul/Massie type senator as he comes from Kentucky. There is No excuse to NOT have an extreme dMAGA or Libertarian senator from Kentucky. Mitch and Susan are primarying for the nomination right now as we speak – primary opponents need to step up now, announce themselves, and be vetted/embraced by dMAGA.

Lisa Murkowski is a tough opponent, she was tea partied but somehow won by write-in (all this was long ago – tears in the rain). She could be upgraded as she is from Alaska. Again, no excuse to not have a dMAGA republican from the great state of Alaska. Is there any chance Sarah Palin wants to run for Senate or someone New?

These 3 senate primaries are the priorities. Mitch’s time of leadership is now over – dMAGA holds no respect for the turtle. He was a leader who destroyed our country’s financial status. He destroyed the dollar and put us 36 trillion in debt – 💸 that I have to pay… Thanks asshole… All this debt is under his leadership. As governor of Alabama, I would hold snakes accountable, and maintain a loud voice in the dMAGA movement. DEUS VULT!

like HOLY MAGA, check it out here!




1.23.2025 – Strategic Bitcoin Reserve

As governor of Alabama – I would do this. 👇🏻



1.22.2025 – Strategic Salt Reserves

Last night I saw about 50 car accidents because of an Ice storm in Alabama. In Alabama, the government doesn’t understand how to mitigate normal winter snowstorms. The people of Alabama don’t know how to drive in them either (you can’t blame them). In my lifetime, I had never before seen such destruction on the roads and I wonder if/how many people died – and how much money was lost in the senseless destruction of automobiles. The police closed down almost every road with barricades. It was like a snow apocalypse.

In Alabama, our government takes little/no action against natural disasters. When I lived in Minnesota the trucks would simply apply salt to the roads EVERY ice storm. This was a small cost to pay to prevent horrific car accidents and save many lives.

Someone ask our incompetent Alabama government why we do not have a salt reserve to salt the roads for the ice storms that happen here periodically every few years. It would be a SMALL cost to pay to prevent the senseless destruction.

Someone ask our current Lt. Governor who oversaw the disaster (Will Ainsworth) – or octogenarian Kay Ivey this question…

As governor of this great state I would anticipate the most common natural disasters and take common sense action to prevent amplification of natural disasters – Like a strategic road salt reserve. Along these lines, I would study other states’ successes and implement them here. I would map the accident hot spots and salt those spots first – creating a priority map for an ice emergency.




1.20.2025 Exploratory Gubernatorial Primary Research Committee.

(working research draft)

1. The Governor of Alabama, for the last 8 years, was a teacher – yet Alabama ranks at the bottom for education. What does this tell you about the Republican leadership in Alabama and what does this say about the Republican machine in Alabama? Conclusion: Alabama needs new Republican leadership. This is NOT satire, but education in Alabama is…

2. The Governor of Alabama spent 188 million laying cable for rural internet when rural citizens can connect to Starlink instantaneously for $120/month… We live in a time when octogenarian political rulers can’t keep up with how the world works… and we pay the cost of their incompetence… This is NOT satire, but our government is…

3. My hypothesis and plan for how to fix education in Alabama would look like this: 1) Understand the statistics; I would look into whether or not the mean scores are being artificially lowered from outlier districts – if that was the case, the outlier districts need to be fixed. On the other hand, if the mean scores of Alabama students are actually lower (not due to outliers) – then it’s a systemic problem of educational incompetence. 2) I would provide Starlink for rural houses with kids in need of education. 3) Every child in Alabama will be paired with not only a teacher, but also an AI tutor to monitor their interests and progress. 4) I would expand the role of technical education, teaching students useful skills including welding, car mechanics, plumbing, electrical, investing, and computer science. 5) Schools need to focus primarily on teaching children to read as fast as possible, then allowing them to read books they personally find interesting – exploring their innate interests. Once a kid likes to read – you don’t have to worry about them. 6) I would run the state schools all year long, with intermittent short breaks; and I would start school later in the day. 7) I would fix the school busing system which is failing our citizens. 8) I would build buy-in from the teachers unions. 9) I would hire an engineer to manage each Alabama school (no more education degrees for principles…) 10) I would create multiple school models and test which model worked best and expand it rapidly. 11) School choice would expand state wide – including expanded home school options. My commitment would be to spend all my energy and time fixing education in Alabama – if we fix that, everything else will get better here. Everything is downstream of education. Watch other candidates copy my plan – but when they do – remember where it came from…

4. For these reasons, and at this time, I am forming an Exploratory Gubernatorial Primary Research Committee to explore running in the primary to win Republican nomination for governor of Alabama. I will be documenting my progress publicly and any/ALL illegal thwarting attempts to restrict my campaign or apply pressure at my work. All tactics the Republican machine uses against me will be publicly documented. The people of Alabama demand competence, excellence, and intelligence in government.

5. My worry is that the corrupt Uniparty (both Republicans and Democrats) have captured all the political systems controlling America’s governance – and that they interfere with primary politics such that normal people cannot actually run and win anymore. If real Americans cannot run for office in a fair open primary process – and if office can only be won by corrupt and complicated party networking/conniving /cheating – then we no longer have a constitutional republic. I will be testing this research question: Do we actually have a Constitutional Republic where normal citizens can run for office?

6. All of our society’s problems stem from the issue that real Americans cannot feasibly run for office. The only people who appear capable of winning office in our current system are career politician ass kissers who intern in the system, who bow to lobbyists and secret interest groups (including the commanding Uniparty). These leaders are cowards, buffoons, and dumbfucks. Trust NO MAN who has a perfect resume, combs his hair over with slick hair gel, wears a nice suit, and has been a politician or lawyer for their entire career…

7. “This is NOT satire… but our “Constitutional Republic” is… Long live America, Individual liberty, the Constitution, dMAGA, and above all – the independent thinking man!” – Professor Beckmann.

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Minor edits implemented – thanks Mike!